In Faith
Christian Counseling and Life Coaching
All things are possible with God
I am a passionate, creative individual who loves to help and encourage others! God has given me gifts and abilities, such as the gift of writing, compassion, empathy, and encouragement! I want to use all of those gifts and more for His glory! My faith and relationship with God is most important to me. God has shown me His love in the most amazing, unconditional, and never ending ways! Over all of these years, He has also helped me to accomplish, grow, and overcome so much! He has carried me through the darkest and scariest of times, and I want to help others through my testimony, writing, coaching, and simply by being in relationship with others, to help them find and build a wonderful, personal relationship with God, like I have been so blessed and thankful to have.
About Me

Katte Hammer
Christian Counselor
Life Coach
Licensed Minister
"Helping individuals to discover, to see, and embrace their value and potential as children of God, while also helping them to find and live out their God-given purpose."

At In Faith Christian Counseling and Life Coaching, I work specifically with women in many areas, including those who are struggling with self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, and those who are looking for more awareness into their gifts, strengths, and personality, who want to discover and live out their God-given purpose, those seeking guidance and direction, and who are also wanting to grow in their faith, to build a more intimate relationship with God, to build confidence in Christ, and to discover, to see, and to embrace their value and potential as children of God. I help, guide, and encourage them to accomplish and overcome all things, in faith, so that they can become confident, victorious overcomers, all for God’s glory! I say “Overcomers”, because we all have challenges, struggles, and obstacles that can get in the way of our goals, and that need to be recognized and dealt with, so that we can live the life God wants for us!!!

I work specifically with women in all of the following areas and more:
Build more confidence as they explore and learn who they are in Christ
Identification of their strengths, spiritual gifts, beliefs, values, and
specific personality traits/profile
A closer, stronger relationship with God
Spiritual, mental, emotional growth
Better health
Help with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, OCD
Accomplishing their dreams/goals, visions
Discover their God-given purpose
A more balanced life
Better time management
Improved relationships
More awareness and clarity surrounding goals, dreams, challenges, issues, obstacles, relationships, and themselves.
Freedom from the things that have been holding them back from achieving what's most important to them and God
A strategy and action plan for each thing they want to accomplish
Better understanding into who they are as a child of God and who God made them to be.
Will have gained help in the process of developing, creating, brainstorming, planning, and implementing their creative, structured, and entrepreneurial ideas, so that they can better move forward to achieving their vision for a business, charity, book, ministry, invention, and so forth.
Have a happier, more fulfilling life, having discovered their God-given purpose and how to live that out in accordance to God's will.
CCI Definition of Christian Coaching
“Partnering with clients and Holy Spirit in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their God-given personal, professional and spiritual potential.” (adapted from ICF definition of coaching)
2009-2018 Christian Coach Institute All Rights Reserved CPLC Session 2
Through counseling and coaching, I help people to build a closer, stronger relationship with God, to build their faith/grow spiritually, to have more confidence as a child of God, to step out in faith, and to discover and live out their God-given gifts, strengths, dreams, potential, and purpose. From a Christian perspective, I help people in all areas of their life. When you have God in your life, anything is possible, if it aligns with His will. And when you have a strong spiritual life, heart, and mind, all of the other areas will fall into place and go so much better and more smoothly. The Christian life will always have challenges and difficulties along the way, but you will have more peace, strength, and confidence as you weather the storms, because you are strongly rooted in your faith and walk with God. I work with Christians and non-Christians in a warm, welcoming, and safe environment, as I encourage them to embrace their unique, individual God-given personality, value, potential, and purpose.
Counseling and Coaching

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
Session Pricing

"Success will never be a big step in the future; it's a small step taken just now."
Jonatan Martensson
Individual Sessions
1-hour session $75
I do offer a sliding scale based on an individual's income and I have two 1 hour time slots open each week Pro-Bono for two clients. (This will be based on availability)

* Counseling/Coaching Sessions are paid for at the end of each session.
* All sessions are done over the phone or through video conferencing
* I am able to work with clients across the United States and globally.
I use a Christian based CBT and Temperament Counseling model.
As the client, you customize the counseliing/coaching sessions to fit your specific needs by choosing the topics and areas you would like to work on.
Additional Information:
* Sessions generally take place, consecutively, on a weekly basis. But if the client or counselor/coach needs to take a week off, that session can be scheduled for another week.
Coaching/Counseling Sessions include emailing or texting for additional support and encouragement in between sessions when needed, but not in excess.
Books that I recommend:
"Who I am in Christ" a Devotional by Neil T. Anderson
"Discerning the Voice" of God by Priscilla Shirer
"Brave Enough" by Nicole Unice
"The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale
"Jesus Today" by Sarah Young
The Arno Profile Assessment
Myers Briggs
Spiritual Gifts
The Five Love Languages
Lifeway Spiritual Growth
Success is not measured by perfect performance, or unending accomplishment. It is not defined by performance alone, and contrary to popular belief, success is definitely not measured by money or things.
The breadth of success is so much more encompassing than you might realize. There is no doubt about it, that tangible victories should be celebrated. But it's the intangible victories that often go overlooked, and are just as deserving, if not more so, many a time. Intangible victories are personal triumphs, unseen by others. Whether it be a mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, or moral victory, it is important to give it due credit. If we don't acknowledge, and also keep the good things we've accomplished in front of us, if we lose sight of our victories, and the times that we have shown great strength, courage, and determination, we can quickly get down on ourselves, and start to only see our faults and weaknesses, which will only end in us giving up and not trying anymore. But if you consistently focus on your strengths, accomplishments, triumphs, you will feel positive, strong, and well equipped to face and overcome the next challenge before you.
We tend to become paralyzed when we think about the challenges we want to overcome, or the dreams we want to reach. And that's because we put tremendous pressure on ourselves to accomplish all or nothing. We see the chain we want to break, or the issue we want to overcome, as if it's this huge mountain we could never climb. But that simply is not the case.
Reaching success, or being an overcomer, is all about taking one step at a time, about taking action, and moving in a positive direction. It's about acknowledging and celebrating each and every victory, no matter how small. If you build upon your victories, you'll eventually get to where you're going, because you took the steps and did the work it required. And one day, before you know it, you'll find yourself standing on top of that mountain. Not because you took one giant leap, but because you gradually and determinedly went from one plateau to the next, until you reached the top.
Success is also measured in how we live life, the attitude that we have, and the kindness we show to others. It is measured in patience, compassion, understanding, and love. When you take time to listen to someone who is hurting, that is success. When you have a positive attitude in the midst of a storm, that is success. And when you do things with integrity, regardless of what others are doing, or how they think, you are achieving success. These are just a few examples of what makes a person's life successful. And hopefully, as you move forward with this enlightening perspective on success, you will begin to see the true successes in your own life, and in the lives of others. You'll find it's a wonderful way to live, when you start measuring success the same way in which God does.
How to Measure Success
Written by Katte Hammer
Words of Wisdom is a deep, thought provoking book, full of wisdom and insight into a variety of life and Christian concepts we can all relate to. This book encompasses a wide range of topics, such as dealing with difficult seasons and issues, including illness, challenges in relationships, loss, loneliness, lack of confidence, and the fears and doubts that hold us back from the things we want to accomplish. These encouraging stories take you from difficulties, challenges, and tragedy, to victory, peace, and success, all with God's help. Powerful, touching, and sometimes sobering, as it conveys some of the more serious principles in life. It takes you on a deep and revealing journey into the human heart, the relationships we have with one another, and most importantly, the relationship we have with God. It's inspiring, uplifting, and emotionally charged.
As the writer of this book, my hope is that it has a positive, uplifting, and life changing impact on those who read it.